Monday, September 1, 2008

What have I started??

So I have finally given in and started a blog. Hopefully I will be able to keep it more up to date than my scrapbooks…

Regan turned three this summer and is all girl. She absolutely loves anything pink or “princess.” She must have come hard-wired. She has even been known to steal Haden’s toys because they had some little bit of pink on them. Regan began preschool last week and really seems to enjoy it. She has complained a few times about there being “too many kids there.” I can’t understand much else of what she says about it, but she always has a smile on her face when I come to get her. I hope it continues to be a positive experience for her. She is getting so grown up! The other day I called for her and she told me to hold on, she was texting Aunt Savannah! She has recently mastered protecting her toys by grabbing Haden’s ankles and pulling him away. She loves her little brother although has begun asking for a girl, because boys don’t play princesses. We love having Regan in our family!

Haden, at eight months, absolutely worships his big sister. She can make him laugh like no one else can. His main mode of transportation is the army crawl which he can do remarkably fast. He loves being in the kitchen and always makes a beeline to the open dishwasher, refrigerator, cabinet doors, or anything else he knows he is not supposed to be into. Haden loves being outside. He is always very well behaved when we go hiking and very tolerable of his sister’s antics in the bike trailer. We are so lucky to have him in our family!


Mullin Fam said...

I feel the same way about blogging as you do, glad you made the jump too!!

Annie said...

Fun to find your blog! And I am WAY behind on scrapbooking... I am not even married yet (and that was 6 years ago!)... I find blogging is much easier, hope you do too!
