Thursday, January 12, 2012

Haden's Preschool Birthday Party

So, I'm finally back to blogging!!! Our computer died a few days before Christmas. Luckily, all the presents had already been ordered! Clint finally found time and the right part to fix it. Now I get to return the replacement computer. If I ever get the time...
Now to catch up...Haden got to celebrate his birthday at preschool the last day before Christmas break. It was also his favorite teacher aide's last day. (She was so wonderful that she was transferred to the special ed preschool.) We both really miss Ms. Christi!
Haden asked if we could buy some flowers for Ms. Christi. He was very sad that she was leaving. He got teary eyed several times that morning. Poor kid! At least she promised to come visit him.
It was also pajama day. Haden never agrees to wear his pajamas out of the house. It doesn't matter if every other kid in the school is wearing pajamas. He wears jeans and a tshirt to school. Period. Parents were invited to attend. I was personally requested to find a babysitter for Lila even though other kids' siblings came. Yeah, she's that big of a stinker. I think it did make it more special for Haden, though. We were lucky enough for this snowman to come home with us. Haden insisted that he be displayed. He disappeared with the Christmas decorations, but it is only a matter of time before Haden asks what happened to his "favorite snowman ever" and then tears will be shed.
We got to bring the snack. Haden picked sugar cookie gingerbread men. His teacher is a big advocate of encouraging the kids to use their fine motor skills, so we brought the cookies undecorated. Kind of sad for me and Haden. We LOVE decorating cookies!
Haden was so excited to start decorating his little man that he refused to look at the camera. Even though Haden is one of the youngest in the preschool class, he still seems to be the ringleader. I loved watching him interact with all the other kids! He would pretend to be a monster and chase the girls, but then have to switch to a guard and protect the girls from the other "monsters" running around the playground. He does a very good job participating in school and doing what is expected. He's growing up so fast!


MnM said...

4 already! Where has the time gone? Glad you are back to blogging.

Rachael said...

Haden is getting to be such a little man! I'm glad to see you blogging again. Miss you guys so much!