Thursday, January 6, 2011

Santa Claus

While in Idaho for Thanksgiving, the kids and I went to the mall in Pocatello. The mall Santa had no kids waiting to see him, so he came to the toy area to recruit kids. I am not a fan of Santa Claus and have not taught my kids about how he brings toys to good girls and boys. I treated him like Frosty the Snowman, just another character of Christmas. I just don't know how to explain why Santa brought their friends more toys than they got or the other way around. The same thing goes for the Easter bunny. My kids still learned about him from somewhere and are die hard believers. Afterall, Brandon in Regan's kindergarten class said that he saw him one Christmas Eve and apparently everything Brandon says is undisputed fact. So, when Haden saw Santa he took off running. He really is shy around strangers, I am not sure why Santa is an exception. Haden eagerly climbed on his lap and they had a very serious conversation, judging by the expression on Haden's face. He had a huge smile on his face when he jumped off and insisted that we needed to go home to Colorado immediately because Santa said he was coming to our house! Thankfully, Regan explained that Santa wouldn't be coming until Christmas Eve which was still a little ways away. I wonder how long they are going to be believers?

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