Monday, August 15, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Regan finished her 1st summer of swimming lessons! And she puts her face in the water! Willlingly! And jumps off the diving board! Willingly! Kelly was wonderful with her. And some of it might have to do with the American Girl Doll she was bribed with, but still! At the beginning of the summer, Regan would not put her entire face in the water. She would sob (I'm not exaggerating) if I dripped water on her face while I was washing her hair until she got a towel to wipe it off. Now she sticks her entire head under the water and comes up smiling!
Regan is all the way under water!
Kicking with her face under!
And jumping off the diving board. She says she loves jumping off!
I let her take the waterproof camera on the last day. Regan is still getting used to going all the way under for any amount of time, making getting a picture slightly difficult!

Haden, on the other hand, had a little bit of a rough time. He was doing great. And then he got pushed into the deeper part of the hot tub where he is about 4 inches too short. It took me a couple of seconds to pull him out, but the damage was done. My poor little guy is now terrified of the water. He screamed every time it was his turn for swimming lessons and refused to get in the pool. He still tells me that I should have run faster. Gratefully, he is fine, as long as he can touch the bottom. But until he can overcome his fear, swimming lessons are not going to happen. I don't blame him at all, I still have nightmares about it too! I tried bribing him as well, but he said he would rather do something else, like be nice to everyone to earn his prize. Maybe next year will be better.


Rachael said...

I'm so glad to hear that Regan made so much progress in swimming. Brooklyn did too, and I feel so much better about taking my kids to the pool now. I bribed my kids to do their lessons too. I gave them $1 per lesson where they participated, didn't cry, and didn't just sit there and shiver. I love Haden's idea of being nice to everyone. Awesome!

Ryan and GeAnna said...

When Ryan was young he fell in a river and was pulled out by his hair. To this day he does not like water, he can swim, but won't do it for fun. I have never liked water either ( and can't swim) Caleb hates water as well. We thought about putting him in lessons this year, but I knew all he would do was scream. Hopefully by next year He will be a little better.