Saturday, September 17, 2011

Vail Pass 2011

Saturday of Labor Day weekend our ward once again hosted the 14 mile bike ride down Vail Pass and into Frisco. We loaded up the bikes and left the house super early because Clint and a buddy wanted to ride up the pass first. I think they are crazy. I forgot to get a picture of them before they took off, though. Then I took the kids shopping for our lunch and snacks before heading up to the trail head. I had the bikes all unloaded and almost assembled (which is no easy task) when Clint showed up, 20 minutes faster than last year.
It is always a beautiful ride. Regan and her friend Kate insisted on riding so they could see each other. It was convenient having friends to play musical seats with. Haden and Lila fell sound asleep in the trailer. I loved seeing his arm around her! Like a protective older brother.
The kids had fun eating a picnic and playing with all their friends at the park.
How did these two girls get so big?
This was from our first trip down Vail Pass in 2007. Where has the time gone?

It was a beautiful day, just perfect for a bike ride in the mountains!

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