Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Regan!

My little girl is 5!! She thinks she is so grown up! She started off the day by applying her make up (given to her by a friend at her birthday party). My sister has been with us for a few days and Regan loves watching her put on make up so she knew just what to do with everything.

Regan requested a Mermaid cake. Since Barbie in A Mermaid Tale has come out, EVERYTHING in our house has been all about mermaids. I haven't really decorated a cake for years, but luckily Regan's standard was not too high! Thankfully, it turned out okay and it was obvious that it was a mermaid!

For dinner she wanted to go to Casa Bonita, but we ran out of time on her birthday and went the following day. For some strange reason, she LOVES going there. Clint and Savannah had to accompany her through the cave several times. Haden is terrified of the cave and absolutely refuses to go in it, so he stayed with me. The kids loved wandering around exploring, watching the puppet show, and opening the pinata. Regan was disappointed that the gorilla didn't make an appearance and threatened my life if I told the mariachi band that it was her birthday! After the pinata is opened, the employee gives the head and body to the kids. Regan was lucky enough to get the body. Apparently, she had to jump up and down saying "Me, me, me" over and over! Hopefully, I can make it disappear soon! She devoured her cotton candy by herself, Haden doesn't like it at all.

Haden had been begging to go home and mow the lawn (one of his new obsessions), and we finally gave in, until he saw this motorcycle. Then he refused to leave. He loves motorcycles and always points them out when he sees them on the road. We let him sit on it for a few minutes while Regan perfected her sidesaddle riding and then hauled him out yelling that he wasn't done yet.

I can't believe my little girl is 5! She is such a sweet little girl and a fabulous helper-we love her so much!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Regan's Luau!

Regan began planning her Hawaiian themed birthday party for turning 5 almost as soon as her 4th birthday was over. I, however, hadn't planned on being 37 weeks pregnant at the time. I didn't want to disappoint her, but I wanted something very easy. We started off making candy leis.
Next, we had a hula lesson. Each girl got to dress up in a grass skirt, flowered lei, with a flower in their hair. A girl from church with a Hawaiian heritage was home from college and knows how to hula. Her mom volunteered her services, but Kelsey was gracious enough to come and teach 11 little girls. They were very quiet, all watching intently and taking it very seriously! She taught them several moves and then taught them the dance to "The Bird Song" (I think that was the name of it).

For lunch we had pigs in a blanket, watermelon, and Cheetos. Instead of a cake, we did ice cream sandwiches. (I was thinking easy!)

And then we just let the girls play in the backyard. They loved the pool, slip 'n slide, swing set, and especially the water balloons. We spent over an hour filling them up the night before and I am pretty sure they were gone within 5 minutes!

Regan loved having all her friends over and has already started planning next year's party!


Regan's final week of preschool was eventful. Because she has a summer birthday, she got to celebrate the 2nd to last day of school by being "special helper" and bringing in the snack. She requested rainbow colored cupcakes baked in ice cream cones. They weren't as pretty as I had hoped, but they were only for preschoolers.

As special helper, you are allowed to have a guest spend the day with you. Since Haden LOVES preschool and doesn't care to be left behind with a babysitter, Mrs. H, Regan's teacher, let both of us come spend the day with Regan. I don't think Haden realized that he was 2 years younger than everyone else there and would frequently tell one of the boys who kept calling him a baby that he was a "big boy" and the baby was in my belly!

The last day of preschool we had a picnic at a park. It was fun to visit with the other parents and let the kids play together one more time. (Most of the kids in Regan's class will be attending other elementary schools.)
Regan with her best friends from preschool, Kate & Caroline. I always seem to forget how much taller she is than other girls her age until they are standing next to each other! Kate's family moved to Utah and Regan is already asking when we can go visit.
Mrs. Hughett

Ms. Valerie

Ms. Marie

Regan has thoroughly enjoyed the last two years of preschool and has grown and learned so much! I am very grateful that she was lucky enough to get the teachers and speech therapist that she did. Although she will miss them all very much, she cannot wait for kindergarten to start!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bolder Boulder 2010

Clint ran the Bolder Boulder for the 4th time. We dropped him off for his 7:04 start time, found our parking and made it to the stadium with 15 minutes to spare before we needed to start watching for him. We now have a tradition of drinking hot chocolate and eating cinnamon rolls while we wait. Haden somehow remembered about the thermos I bring the hot chocolate in and has been hauling it around for days telling anyone who will listen that it is for hot chocolate at the Bolder Boulder. For some reason, drinking hot chocolate outside is way more exciting than drinking it at home??

After waiting 15 minutes, Haden began to get restless. In an effort to keep him from wandering off and getting lost, I missed Clint crossing the finish line. I think that from now on, he should wear a brightly colored tshirt (like his black and yellow tie-dyed Demon Deacon shirt that he hasn't worn since going to basketball games at Wake Forest) instead of the boring white ones that everyone seems to be wearing!

This was the first time he didn't improve his score, but it was only seconds slower than last year, and he hasn't been able to train nearly as much as he would have liked. I still think that 6.2 miles in 44 minutes and 45 seconds is awesome!