Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bolder Boulder 2010

Clint ran the Bolder Boulder for the 4th time. We dropped him off for his 7:04 start time, found our parking and made it to the stadium with 15 minutes to spare before we needed to start watching for him. We now have a tradition of drinking hot chocolate and eating cinnamon rolls while we wait. Haden somehow remembered about the thermos I bring the hot chocolate in and has been hauling it around for days telling anyone who will listen that it is for hot chocolate at the Bolder Boulder. For some reason, drinking hot chocolate outside is way more exciting than drinking it at home??

After waiting 15 minutes, Haden began to get restless. In an effort to keep him from wandering off and getting lost, I missed Clint crossing the finish line. I think that from now on, he should wear a brightly colored tshirt (like his black and yellow tie-dyed Demon Deacon shirt that he hasn't worn since going to basketball games at Wake Forest) instead of the boring white ones that everyone seems to be wearing!

This was the first time he didn't improve his score, but it was only seconds slower than last year, and he hasn't been able to train nearly as much as he would have liked. I still think that 6.2 miles in 44 minutes and 45 seconds is awesome!


Rachael said...

Clint is a super runner, and you are a super mom for hauling your kids out there, 8 months pregnant, at 7am. Go you!

JKLCP said...

Glad to hear you guys had a fun time. I should have checked your blog before I sent you an email earlier. Tell clint he's awesome.