Saturday, September 17, 2011

Running Club

First graders in Regan's school are allowed to participate in Running Club. Tuesdays and Thursdays the kids can come 25 minutes before school and run around the field. Six laps equals one mile. Regan was not really thrilled about going until she found out that her friends were going to be there. Then she couldn't wait! The first day, Regan quickly found her friends. There was way more talking going on than running! Us moms yelled encouragements from the sidelines and they would remember they were supposed to be running. Running club concluded this week and Regan is now able to run an entire mile without stopping to walk (or talk). Since her running shoes didn't match her outfit, she would always pack her "cute shoes" in her backpack and switch before heading into class.
The teachers would mark the kids hands after each lap so they would know how many they had run. Regan was showing off all of her marks as she ran passed. Hopefully, she will always like to run!

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