Saturday, August 27, 2011


Lila is obsessed, absolutely obsessed with brushing her teeth! She is the first one that comes running when I call the kids to come brush their teeth. And she is laughing the whole way. She has to hold both her toothpaste and her toothbrush. I am not allowed to help. When she has sucked all the toothpaste off her toothbrush, she hands her toothpaste and then toothbrush back to me so I can put more on for her. Still laughing. If I don't give the toothpaste back she will yell and point until she gets her own way. She lets me know that it is not acceptable to simply run her toothbrush under water; it has to have more toothpaste. When she brings me her toothbrush after 5+ times of adding a tiny bit of toothpaste, I tell her she is done. She angrily throws both her toothbrush and her toothpaste. It is rather funny to watch. When she realizes what she has done she quickly retrieves them both and runs off looking for another sucker to put more toothpaste on her toothbrush. Her toothbrush has accompanied us on many car rides, to school, church, and many shopping trips. She is truly ridiculous! I hope her obsession with clean teeth lasts!

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