Sunday, February 26, 2012

Music Recital

Regan and Haden have both been taking music lessons. They had their first recital this past weekend. Regan was thrilled to have the opportunity to dress up.
Haden insisted on wearing shorts and a t-shirt even though it was February. I pick my battles with that kid. He was very upset and insisted that he did not want to go. Apparently, he didn't like one of the songs, "The Giant's Lullaby", that he was supposed to sing. He did sing it, though, and I still can't figure out why he is adamant about not liking it. Haden's favorite song was the race car song where the kids zoom around.
They sang several songs, and Regan performed "Aura Lee" and "Camptown Races" on the piano. She did a fabulous job!
We're all a little bummed because their teacher is moving across the country. But, a girl who wants to start teaching piano lessons moved in right across the street from us. Regan is very excited about starting piano lessons with her.

I wish I would have gotten pictures of Regan and Haden with Katie, their teacher, but I was just thinking about keeping Lila contained. We're really going to miss her and her family!

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