Saturday, October 13, 2012


Lila has been having a hard time remembering to be reverent during prayers.  She likes to copy whatever the person giving the prayer is saying.  A couple of days ago, Regan was saying the prayer for dinner.  Lila, as usual was mimicking her.  Any reminders to be quiet only exacerbate the situation, so we try to ignore her.  Regan prayed that Lila would be more reverent.  Lila, in an indignant, outraged, and slightly high pitched voice, said, "What!?" before continuing her mimicking, "Please Lila reverent."  I haven't laughed so hard in quite a while!  I love that little girl!


Danielle said...

Love it! How funny!

Kade and Emily said...

Too funny! I think someone should design a straight jacket just for prayer time.