Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rock Band!

We got Rock Band and a Playstation around Christmas time. We tried playing Rock Band with the kids. Regan insisted on singing and Haden would not let anyone else touch the drums. Needless to say, we quickly got booed off the stage every time! The kids always blamed Clint's guitar playing skills! Regan preferred just to turn on her Taylor Swift CD and sing along to that while Haden rocked out on the drums. (He usually does have a clean face...) Haden sometimes insists on wearing his "Rock Star" sunglasses as he rocks out on the drums.
Clint also brought home a new, big, flat screen television to go with his playstation. After watching Haden swing his "Let's get down to business" stick (He likes to mimic Shang on Mulan as he sings "I'll Make a Man Out of You", but instead of a staff, he uses a broomstick.) near his expensive television, it was promptly returned. I think we will wait until the kids are all grown before investing much money in something that easily destroyed!
I am sure it is only a matter of time before Lila joins the band. I hope she likes playing the guitar because I doubt either of the other kids will give up their instruments!

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