Monday, July 25, 2011


A couple of months after we moved into our house, Clint was called to be the ward Scoutmaster. That was nearly 5 years ago. He has taken lots of boys on countless camp outs, bike rides, and more Wednesday activities than I can count. My kids LOVED all of Clint's scouts. They called them daddy's boys. They couldn't wait for all the boys to come to our house for one reason or another. They graciously shared their cookies and popsicles with them before unloading the contents of their water guns on them. The scouts were always so wonderful with my kids. As of last Sunday, Clint is no longer Scoutmaster. I think he is almost as sad about it as the boys. Nothing like "having" to go on a bike ride or camp out! He will do great with his next calling, but I am sure he will still find his way to the scout camp outs!

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