Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Puddle Jumping!

Every afternoon we have been having a rainstorm complete with thunder and lightening. I love it! The kids love all the puddles the torrential downpour creates. The storms have been letting up about the time Clint gets home from work, so he takes the kids to get the mail and they jump in every puddle along the way. Haden has no reservations and will run and jump in every puddle for all he is worth. His rain boots are usually full of water by the time I drag him in. Regan is a little more timid. She prefers flip flops to her rain boots and doesn't really like to get wet. I think she sees how much Haden loves it and doesn't want to be left out.
Lila loves to be outside and is always irritated that I won't let her scoot around by herself when the ground is so wet. She's always good for a smile, though!

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