Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Gone Fishing

One Saturday morning we took the kids fishing. They have had their own fishing poles for a while, but never used them. The night before, Clint taught them to cast in the living room. Even though plenty of things were knocked over, thankfully, nothing was broken! We didn't get an early start and still had to stop at Walmart for supplies so we didn't really expect to catch anything. Regan turned out to be quite the expert caster. She was much better than me, not that that is saying anything! I am much better at fly fishing. Haden caught a lot of weeds, sticks, etc. and quickly lost interest. At one point, after calling, "Come here, little fishy fishy" over and over he announced that there were no fish in the lake and we should go home.
I love that Clint knows how to do this kind of stuff AND is willing to do it! He is truly a wonderful dad! I hate touching fish. I think they are gross, slimy, and stinky. But, I really like fly fishing. Clint has never complained when I catch a fish and refuse to touch it. He is always more than willing to unhook it and let it go. (I don't eat the kind of fish I can catch, either.)
I love this picture of Haden.
Lila only lasted a few minutes in her stroller. I think she ripped her hat off immediately following the picture. She just doesn't care for accessories the way Regan did/does.
This is Lila's new trick. She loves wrapping both arms tightly around my neck and holding on, frequently pressing her cheek next to mine. She usually does it in response to someone (Clint) trying to take her from me. I loved it, at first. Since it has been going to on for a few weeks now I wish that she would be cooperative when someone else is willing to hold her. My left arm is getting pretty strong, though!
Regan could cast just about as far as Clint did with the kid poles, and she loved doing it. She might outgrow her Barbie fishing pole sooner rather than later! Much to the kids' dismay, no one caught a thing. Hopefully, next time we will get an earlier start!

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