Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Doctor Report

Regan and Lila both got to go to the doctor this summer for their annual check up. I couldn't remember if Regan was due for any shots, so when the nurse told her she was good, Regan jumped up and down, cheering in relief. She is terrified of shots. When it's time for flu shots, I have to take Clint with us to help. Last year, he had to chase her around and around the room. If it wasn't so frustrating, it would be pretty funny! Regan weighed in at 47 lbs (62%) and is 3 ft 10.5 in (67%). She is getting so big!
Regan still loves Taylor Swift. She now likes to stand on the end table and sing her heart out as she strums on her guitar. She says it is her stage. I think it might be because if she stands on the end table, she can watch herself in the mirror on the other side of the room. She might be a little vain! She saw this dress in the mall last fall and begged for it. She calls it her Taylor Swift dress and wears it every time she is "rocking out".

Lila had to get 5 shots, poor little girl. I hate holding her down. Before we had any kids, Clint agreed to take care of all shots. And he was true to his word, until he got a job. He just can't take off every time there is a doctor appointment. So, I held my furious, screaming little girl down while the nurse proceeded to poke her. Why can't they come up with oral vaccinations for everything? Lila weighed 20 lbs 12 oz (33%) and was 29.5 inches tall (46%).
Within a week of Lila learning to walk, she was running! Although she has a collection of bruises and skinned knees, she doesn't slow down. Her hair is always a little out of control. She loves throwing everything and the sandbox is one of her favorite places to play. She likes to let the sand sift through her fingers above her head. It gets in her hair, all down her back, and into her diaper. I hope she outgrows this phase soon! She is one tough little girl!

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