Monday, August 1, 2011

Hiking Burning Bear Trail

I realized last week that we had yet to make it to the mountains this summer! So, Friday night, I found a trail that I wanted to check out. Burning Bear is off Guanella Pass. The reviews said it was beautiful, family friendly, and not too far away. The kids were excited. They were finally going to be able to use their Camelbaks. (Although Regan said she was going to carry a water bottle in hers instead of using the reservoir because the water tastes "nasty". She changed her mind when Clint filled it up with fresh ice water.) Saturday morning we headed out. We found the trail head without any problem and set out. My kids are traditionally good hikers, but that day, they were whining and complaining half a mile in. Apparently, we need to go more! We did finally manage to make it three miles. Haden wanted to be carried and Lila wanted to walk. It was a very beautiful trail, and flat too! At least the part that we hiked. There was a campground, as well. Hopefully, we can go back before our summer is over.
The novelty of Lila's new pack quickly wore off. Maybe Clint should pack earplugs next time! This girl has a fabulous set of lungs and a very loud voice!
Regan insisted on being in the lead. Luckily, Haden had no problem being in the rear. He quickly surrendered his Camelbak to me saying that it was just too heavy for him and then filled his pockets to the brim with rocks.
Lila loved being out of her pack, but was a little unsteady on her feet. She isn't used to uneven ground yet.
We took a break for snacks. Regan is always so good to take care of Lila.
I love how Lila is peeking over Clint's shoulder. Somehow she kept managing to lean to the side of the pack making hiking with her difficult.
I know picking wildflowers in frowned upon, but it kept Regan hiking. She loved finding different flowers for her bouquet!
Lila finally fell asleep.
The kids were waiting for us as we examined the map at the trail head. There were an awful lot of people taking another trail and we wanted to see where it went.

On the way home, we stopped at one of our favorite parks. Lila was perfectly content to play in the dirt. Most particularly, to dump it on her head and her shoulders. I thought that was a boy thing? She was a horrible mess when we left the park and got to ride home in her diaper.

I definitely need to get my kids to the mountains more!


jdw said...
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jdw said...

I looked up hiking trails near this area...there are 2. One was recommended for more extreme hikers, the other had turned into an ATV trail. So, no hiking for us. :( It's just as well you kept your backpack.

- There needs to be an edit button for these comments! Or I should post when I'm awake enough to avoid typos...