Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Haden's 1st day

I wish Haden's first day of preschool had gone as smoothly as Regan's. He told me when he first woke up this morning that he was not going to go to school. I had him convinced that he was by the time we had to leave. He bravely walked into his classroom and played with the toys until it was time for me to leave. Then he lost it. I hesitantly left anyway. The teachers were very patient with him. There were kids howling in every classroom. All of us parents were hanging out in the hall giving reports on each other's children so our own kids couldn't see us. He calmed down after 30-45 minutes and then played happily for the rest of the day. We brought the snack, so he helped get everything ready, had a great time on the playground (I was across the street in the car spying on him.), and was participating with Mr. JP (his teacher) in group at the end of the day. The teachers said he was great after he calmed down.
Haden was all smiles and had a positive report when I picked him up and didn't even mention the crying to me. He even said he couldn't wait to go to school again tomorrow. I hope so!
Yes, I know his outfit doesn't match at all. He likes to pick his own clothes and I am only willing to fight about it on Sunday. He loves his camouflage shorts, his bright green recycling Tshirt, he insisted on those socks because they are camouflage and match his shorts and those shoes, since they are his new school shoes. He got to pick out new clothes for school, too, but, for some reason, he won't wear them yet.

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