Monday, June 6, 2011

Haden's last day of school

1st day of school (January 5, 2011)

Last day of school (June 2, 2011)

Haden finished his first 1/2 year of preschool. I think overall it was a positive experience for him. There were a couple of days where he either refused to go (and there is just no changing that kid's mind, regardless of bribes or threats!) or refused to stay without me. His teachers were the best I could have ever asked for! Haden liked all of them, but insisted that Ms. Deb, the speech therapist, was his favorite. Ellen was his favorite friend. Haden will frequently call Ellen on his pretend phone and plan camping trips with her. It is really cute!
Haden and Ellen

The parents were invited to attend the the last half of the last day of school. The kids had popsicles and sang songs to us. Haden willingly ate the popsicle, but refused to sing any of the songs. The teachers told me that he was singing the loudest and was the most animated during practice, but he refused to do it again. He tends to shut down during emotional events, like good-byes.
Lila had a wonderful time playing with the puppets.
Haden didn't cooperate when it was time to take any pictures either. Poor little guy was moping around for the rest of the day.
Ms. Deb (speech therapist) She had a southern drawl and now several of the words Haden says sound a little southern! I love it!
Ms. Kari (occupational therapist)
Ms. Valerie (teacher's aide)
Ms. Lynn (teacher's aide) Haden had a hard time remembering her name at first so he called her the teacher that talked funny. (She has an English accent.)

In the last six months, both his imagination and vocabulary have taken off. He is constantly role playing with Regan. Fireman Sam is currently his favorite hero. Haden insisted on wearing his fireman rainboots to school on beautiful sunshiny days. He said he needed them in case there was a fire. His teachers willingly helped him change into running shoes when it was time to go out on the playground and then back into his boots when they came in. Pretty awesome!

I hope his next two years of preschool will be as wonderful as the first! The standard was set very high!

1 comment:

Ryan and GeAnna said...

Hayden and Lila are both getting so big!! I am glad he enjoys preschool so much. I wish that we had more options around here. I have yet to put Caleb in preschool. Sadly it will probably be another year before I do so. Caleb also LOVES Fireman Sam...its funny the different phases they go through.