Friday, June 17, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Everyone knows that Regan is terrified of water. When I give her a bath and water accidentally drips anywhere on her face, she freaks out until it gets wiped off. It is getting rather ridiculous. Especially now that since she takes baths with Haden, he copies her exactly. Clint has tried bribing her to take swimming lessons for some time now. It hasn't worked. She simply tells him that she is a ballerina, not a swimmer. For some reason, this year was different. It might have been her new "super cute swimsuit" and cover up. Her friend's mom teaches lessons and both Regan and Haden agreed to take lessons and do whatever Kelly tells them to. This way, they also have friends in their classes.

Regan was awesome! She did her very best to put her face in the water and blow bubbles. She really did try to relax so she could float on her back.
Haden also did well, even though he had to jump out of the pool to go wipe his face off with his towel several times.
Hopefully, they will both be much more comfortable in the water by the end of the summer!

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