Thursday, June 16, 2011

Regan's birthday party

This year Regan wanted her birthday party to have a fashion theme. Fashion is a big deal in Regan's world! So, we started off by having each girl design their own fashion porfolio. I was amazed at how quiet and focused they all were!
Then we ate pizza and watched "Barbie in a Fashion Fairy Tale". Surprisingly enough, no one but Regan had seen it. Notice where Haden is sitting. He REALLY likes all of Regan's friends and they are all very good sports to put up with him.
Lila also wanted to be included in the party.
Then we decorated individual cakes with pearls, glitter, and other fancy sprinkles. Once again, the girls were very quiet and focused. It was fun to watch them create their own masterpieces. They did a very good job! I apologize to all the parents who might have a bunch of sprinkles in their cars now! Some of the girls really liked a lot of sprinkles on their cakes!
Then we ate cake and ice cream, opened presents, and the parents showed up to take the girls home. Regan insisted that the parents all came early because there was no time to dance to Taylor Swift!

Haden entertained everyone with his fabulous table manners.
Frosting goatee? Definitely fashionable!
Lila was thrilled to play with everyone's shoes. I think it is an inherited trait. Apparently my grandmother was once shoe shopping and found a pair she loved. The salesman knew her well and insisted that she already had that pair. She was positive she didn't. He told her to go home and look. If she didn't already own that pair, then he would bring them by after work. She sheepishly called him back to admit that she did already own that pair of shoes. When my grandparents moved a few years back, my granddad limited my grandmother to 150 pairs of shoes. She couldn't part with 200 pairs and still threw out at least that many. Too bad we don't have the same size foot!
Regan is very lucky to have such a spectacular group of friends!

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