Friday, June 17, 2011

West Metro's Fire Muster

I saw an ad in the newspaper about a fire muster one weekend. Haden is all about firemen these days and I knew he would love it! He insisted on wearing his fireman rain boots and his firefighter jacket, which we persuaded to leave in the stroller because it was too hot to wear it. They had a lot of fire trucks lined up for kids to explore. Haden loved it!
Regan climbed aboard a few of the trucks, but wasn't feeling great. Firefighters really don't interest her much anyway. Don't you love her outfit, though? Isn't that how you would dress if you were going to a fire muster?
They had a tent full of firefighter clothes that kids could dress up in. Haden LOVED this mask and hasn't stopped asking for one yet. Every store we go into he asks if we can buy a mask that "goes like this" as he covers his nose and mouth with both of his hands. At his insistence, we even looked online, but without much luck (in my price range, anyway). Where do you buy a reasonably priced old firefighter mask?
They also had a "house" full of smoke. A firefighter taught the kids about how to escape a burning house and then they crawled into the smoke filled house and rolled out the other side. Regan was interested in it, but Haden refused to participate. He said that he was the firefighter, not the person that needed to be rescued.
Haden could actually hula hoop, rain boots, fire coat and all!
There was a giant cell phone wandering around teaching kids about dialing 911 in an emergency. Haden just wanted to push all the buttons.
The cutest firefighter around! She likes to wrap both of her little arms around my neck, press her little cheek next to mine and dance. It usually draws quite a bit of attention. It's a little hard to do in a firefighter hat, though!
There was an firefighter obstacle course for the kids. They had to climb the ladder, go down the slide, grab a hose and run with it, army crawl through a tunnel, drag a pretend person, carry a fan, and then unwind a hose. Each kid had a real firefighter that helped them through it and kept their time. Even though Regan wasn't feeling well, when she found out it was a race, she whispered in my ear that she was going to cream Haden. Totally her father's child! Haden's firefighter was awesome! He lugged Haden's rain boots around and was very patient with Haden and his jacket. Both kids loved it and Regan's time was much faster than Haden's.
The kids all had fun and were completely worn out when we finally left with our stack of new firefighter hats. (That's Regan in the stroller.)

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